Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am the ''leader" of this family~~~~~XD

my name is bao-daiyan (包大人)... This year already near 55 years old lor... really if life good already become people grandfather...hehe... I have 2 children which is call suilui-bao(衰女包) and suizai-bao(衰仔包).....

Erm~~~~ what else i can talk talk a bit here leh....~~~erm....tell u guys when i know...kekekeke...c u~~~~

Next~~~~~har~lou~ everybody~~~~~~~~~~ I am the women behind my husband~~ I am 德高望重人见人爱车见车载温柔贤淑善解人意倾国倾城 bao-fuyan(包夫人) I still very young~~~only 30 years old~~ shh~~~~~~don't tell other people about my age wohhhh..u know la... women age always is a secret~~~^^
hehe...don't ask me why i choose my husband....of cause he did something 2 me...and very i married him lor....eventhough he A LITTLE BIT old...but~~~he got 男人味~~~wahahaa.....